CommonWell Blog2024-10-04T08:24:35-05:00


CommonWell Blog

HIMSS21: Same, Different, Next

August 24, 2021|HIMSS, Interoperability, Leadership|Author: |

“I survived HIMSS21.” That was the T-shirt I expected to find on every street corner of Las Vegas. Between the Delta variant surge alerts, the excruciating desert heat, and the discomfort (albeit appropriate and necessary) of all-day face masks, HIMSS21 was a game of wills at times. That being said, it also was [...]

Get to Know the CommonWell Provider Advisory Council

August 18, 2021|Interoperability, Members, Providers|Author: |

CommonWell was founded on the simple premise that, working together, we can break down barriers to health data exchange. As part of our industry-wide collaborative effort, we knew having health care providers’ candid input and involvement was imperative to our shared success. That’s why CommonWell formed the Provider Advisory Council (PAC) in 2016. PAC members represent a cross-section of: [...]

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