


Beyond the EHR: Diversity in Our Membership

February 15, 2018|Alliance Updates, HIMSS, Launch, Members, Membership|

Five years ago, five health IT leaders from competing companies stood on a stage during HIMSS13 and announced they were coming together to breakdown the silos of health data exchange. I remember standing in that New Orleans hotel ballroom, proud of what my industry was doing and excited for what was about to come. Many openly questioned the likelihood of [...]

Join our webinar to learn more about becoming a member of CommonWell!

September 18, 2014|Alliance Updates, Membership|

Interested in becoming a member of CommonWell Health Alliance? We recently opened up an additional Membership category – General Membership, which provides different options for prospective organizations interested in becoming part of our first-of-its-kind, vendor-led Alliance targeted at improving interoperability in our industry. Want to learn more? Join us for one of our upcoming Webinars where we will provide an [...]

Welcoming new members to CommonWell Health Alliance

July 1, 2014|Alliance Updates, Membership|

Today, CommonWell Health Alliance officially opens its doors to institutions who are committed to our vision that health data should be available to individuals and providers regardless of where care occurs, and that access to this data must be built into health IT at a reasonable cost for use by a broad range of healthcare providers and the people they [...]

Overhead view of a desk with a smartphone, a newspaper, a cup of coffee, and a potted plant, with the word 'NEWS' prominently displayed in bold text.


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