Beyond the EHR: Diversity in Our Membership
Five years ago, five health IT leaders from competing companies stood on a stage during HIMSS13 and announced they were coming together to breakdown the silos of health data exchange. I remember standing in that New Orleans hotel ballroom, proud of what my industry was doing and excited for what was about to come. Many openly questioned the likelihood of [...]
Closing Out a Year of Work & Collaboration, Moving to Launch Phase
As CommonWell enters 2014, it’s critical that we, its founding members, translate our enthusiasm for interoperability as a common good into clear value for the health care industry. Early in the year, we will begin to show the world that the underlying workflows we’ve been developing across each of the founding members’ platforms are progressing, and most importantly, will become [...]
CommonWell Announces Launch Geographies and Participants
CommonWell Health Alliance is thrilled to announce today that we are launching our interoperability services in early 2014 at select provider locations in the following geographies: Chicago, Illinois; Elkin and Henderson, North Carolina; and Columbia, South Carolina. Just 9 months and 1 week ago, we announced CommonWell at HIMSS13, and today, we are proud to share that we are making [...]