


Where to Find CommonWell at HIMSS19!

February 8, 2019|HIMSS, Providers, Services|

In just a few short days, we will be back in the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando kicking off what is sure to be a successful HIMSS19! As you prepare for the show and figure out which sessions you’d like to attend, which booths you plan to visit and which demonstrations you need to see, we are excited to [...]

Event Notifications – How CommonWell is Broadening its Services

February 6, 2019|HIMSS, Services|

CommonWell Health Alliance is taking the next step in applying the broad scope of our connections by offering a key service that notifies providers of significant patient events. The event notification service will start with notifications to care providers, designed to help providers deliver consistent care for patients as they move across the care continuum, and will be demonstrated at [...]

Puerto Rico Turns to Silicon Valley to Drive Clinical Interoperability

February 5, 2019|HIMSS, Members, Services|

Since Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico over a year ago, the island has been rebuilding its healthcare infrastructure from the ground up. Federally qualified not-for-profit centers (FQHCs), such as the Puerto Rico Primary Care Association Network (PRPCAN), have played a central role in this process. In 2016, PRPCAN was established to accelerate the adoption of health information technology on [...]

HIMSS18: Interop Showcase and CommonWell TV member videos now available!

March 22, 2018|HIMSS, Members|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

Two weeks ago, CommonWell closed on its sixth HIMSS, celebrating 5 years since announcing our formation at HIMSS13. More than 40 of our nearly 80 member companies helped us celebrate at our Member Reception on Tuesday evening. Throughout the conference, seven of our CommonWell members participated in the Nationwide Care Transitions use case in the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase. During the [...]

CommonWell TV Kicks Off Today at HIMSS18

March 6, 2018|HIMSS, Interoperability, Members|, CommonWell Marketing Chair|

For our third year in a row, CommonWell Health Alliance will be helping to bring the HIMSS18 show floor right to your computer screen. Please join us starting today and through the conference as we host CommonWell TV from HIMSS18 in Vegas We have booked interviews on the half hour with different executives from 30 CommonWell exhibiting member companies, as [...]

Nationwide Care Transitions: Empowering the Provider, Empowering the Patient

March 5, 2018|HIMSS, Interoperability, Patients, Services|

More than 2.5 million passengers fly domestically in the US every day. How many of those people do you think remember to bring their health records with them in case of emergency? While I don’t know of any source tracking that statistic, my personal experience would lend me to believe it is very few. This time of year, it feels [...]

2018 Update: The Power of Many

March 1, 2018|Alliance Updates, Deployment, HIMSS, Interoperability, Value of Health IT|

Sometimes I forget that I am the only full-time employee of the Alliance. You can easily see why that is if you read any of our most recent blogs. CommonWell is a community effort, and our members are also our leaders, our innovators and our biggest advocates: Morgan Knochel from one of our newest subscribers – OneRecord – shared her [...]

CommonWell FHIR-ing out API requests to MEDITECH

February 22, 2018|Deployment, FHIR, HIMSS, Services|

As Brightree shared in the previous blog, FHIR offers many advantages over legacy standards and for that reason, MEDITECH is certifying to be CommonWell’s first fully FHIR enabled member; both supplying and consuming C-CDA documents via FHIR APIs. We have opted to certify using RESTful FHIR APIs for ease, speed, and future-proofing. Because FHIR specifies modern file formats like JSON, [...]

We Didn’t Start the FHIR…

February 21, 2018|FHIR, HIMSS, Post-acute care|

With sincere apologies to Billy Joel, the title for this blog is actually very accurate. We didn’t start the FHIR. Modern interoperability is all about standing on the shoulders of giants and the work that comes before you. And that is what FHIR does – it takes many good things that have impacted healthcare interoperability in a positive manner and [...]

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