28 01, 2014

More Than a Vision: The CommonWell Health Alliance in 2014


To appreciate how important it is for the health care system to change, we need only think about the care we want for our loved ones. Most of us have a parent or grandparent or sibling or spouse who has a need for more than one doctor, multiple prescriptions and a large care team. Rich Elmore, our acting vice chair, recently shared his own personal story of experiencing limited and untimely access to health information at critical junctures and I know there are many people with a similar story. How can we be sure that the care they receive is coordinated across all those providers and actually helps improve their condition? As people who work in the industry, we understand all too well the gaps and disconnects that can occur, [...]

More Than a Vision: The CommonWell Health Alliance in 20142023-01-31T04:37:17-06:00
21 01, 2014

Finding Gratification Through My Work with CommonWell


I have always found enormous value in what I do at work. For nearly 15 years, I have been in the connectivity business and have seen the benefits a connected health care ecosystem can provide communities, providers and patients. At Cerner, we have been providing health care solutions for our clients on how to better capture, access and apply health data for more than three decades, but we knew that until the industry broke down the necessary barriers and obstacles that prevent us from sharing and accessing health data, we as an industry would not be able to truly provide the best care possible. Enter in the CommonWell Health Alliance. Since the launch of CommonWell at last year’s HIMSS, it has been gratifying to see the response of my peers [...]

Finding Gratification Through My Work with CommonWell2023-01-31T04:37:17-06:00
14 01, 2014

What CommonWell Health Alliance is Doing is Personal and Its Important


Patients need this. I know personally how important work like CommonWell's can be to patients in the health care system. I'd like to share a brief personal story. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer a little more than a year ago. It was a tough year - very challenging. We were facing life or death decisions and needed our care team's guidance. The care team consisted of a primary care doctor in a private practice that had one EHR, a surgical oncologist in a private practice on another EHR, a medical oncologist using yet a third EHR, and a second opinion team in a totally different geography that had a fourth different EHR. This is the real world of fragmented care delivery and dispersed geographies that we live in [...]

What CommonWell Health Alliance is Doing is Personal and Its Important2023-01-31T04:37:17-06:00
6 01, 2014

Closing Out a Year of Work & Collaboration, Moving to Launch Phase


As CommonWell enters 2014, it’s critical that we, its founding members, translate our enthusiasm for interoperability as a common good into clear value for the health care industry. Early in the year, we will begin to show the world that the underlying workflows we’ve been developing across each of the founding members’ platforms are progressing, and most importantly, will become the information rails from which information will flow and patient care will improve. CommonWell’s work will have tremendous impact on the patient and provider experience. Health care as it exists today is, from the patient’s view and for too many providers also, largely a paper-based process. This is in stark contrast to being digitally equipped and backed in so many other aspects of our lives. By making interoperability a living, [...]

Closing Out a Year of Work & Collaboration, Moving to Launch Phase2023-01-31T04:37:18-06:00
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